Soft Sounds of Christmas Music 2024 – Free!
More Christmas music to share!
Did You Know …?
Mistletoe – ah, fresh scent, Winter scenes, hot chocolate by a fire – all sound nice! But the origin of the word mistletoe is from Germany, and it means “poop on a twig” – really! Mistle Thrush birds live all over most of Europe and love to eat mistletoe berries. Their droppings scatter the seeds around, but start out on the twig potty the bird chose!
Remember to download free music from this website: Home Page, then Tool Bar, Free Music
I wanted to create a collection of traditional Christmas music using various synthesizer voices. It was fun and satisfying to hear violin, cello, brass, or bells while playing keys. Hope you enjoy!

original artwork image by Leslie Young (c) 2020
Back to Music
Here’s more original Christmas music. Feel free to print and use as you would like:

Any and all comments are welcome about the topics that are published. I will try to accommodate as many as possible in future articles – and thank you for your input!
What Would the First Lesson for a Young Student Look Like?
What Would the First Lesson for a 6 to Teen Look Like (video)?
View sample pages of all the books for students
ages 6 to teen:
View sample pages of all the books for students
4 to 5 years old:
View sample pages of all the books for older
teens and adults:
View the books on Amazon:
About the Author, Composer,
Illustrator, Educator, and
Eternal Optimist
Leslie Young is the author, composer, and illustrator of the PIANO Revolution method books (originally titled as the Revolutionary Piano Method). She co-founded a K-12th grade charter school in Texas and has been a piano teacher for over 40 years. She has had experience teaching a variety of students tackling piano for the first time or as returning students.
Young believes that “learning to play the piano is more about diligence and perseverance” – but would add that just as critical to success is the method that is used, the pattern of critical thinking, and the instructional principles that promote immediate success.
She states: “In teaching piano to students of varying ages, what also varies is a commitment of time and the amount of dedication. Children of younger ages may do very well with a parent as teacher; others may need someone who is not family to instruct them. Some older children and adults prefer to make progress on their own, and this method is designed to act as a meticulous guide through new material. Some adults and teens insist on professional teachers, which also encourages continuity.
Because these books are self-explanatory, a novice or experienced professional teacher will have no trouble using the PIANO Revolution method with students. It’s an easy and effective way to learn piano.”