piano books for beginners

What’s the Best Age to Begin Piano Lessons in 2025?

Piano books for beginners and what's the best age to begin piano lessons?

Essential Way to Actually Read and Play Written Piano Music in 2025

Essential Way to Actually Read and Play Written Piano Music in 2025

actually read and play written piano music

Piano Books for Beginners in 2025:  A Pros and Cons Comparison

Piano Books for Beginners in 2025: A Pros and Cons Comparison

Beginner piano method - compare the old to the new and update to see the benefits!

Top 7 Amazing Reasons Piano Lessons Make Students Smarter

Top 7 Amazing Reasons Piano Lessons Make Students Smarter

Ever wondered if piano lessons make students smarter and do better in other school subjects? It’s hard to say that...

What’s the Best Age to Begin Piano Lessons: Part 2

What’s the Best Age to Begin Piano Lessons: Part 2

Piano books for beginners and what's the best age to begin piano lessons?

piano books for beginners

What’s the Best Age to Begin Piano Lessons?

Piano books for beginners and what's the best age to begin piano lessons?

best age to begin piano lessons

What is the Best Age to Begin Piano Lessons?

What is the best age to begin piano lessons?

Surprising Reason Why Treble and Bass are Not Alike – Why the Different Names?

Surprising Reason Why Treble and Bass are Not Alike – Why the Different Names?

What’s in a name? There’s records of a baby born in 1379 in West Riding, Yorkshire, UK. Her first name...

How Music Physically Changes the Body ~ Its Astonishing Mechanism ~ Piano Book for Beginners

How Music Physically Changes the Body ~ Its Astonishing Mechanism ~ Piano Book for Beginners

piano book for beginners

Why the Brain Objects to Effort in Learning Piano

Why the Brain Objects to Effort in Learning Piano

The brain objects to effort and usually prefers to not work hard in most instances of learning piano, or something else new.